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Is Critical Illness cover necessary?

How does Health Start cover you from critical illness?

How does this plan benefit you?

Critical Condition Coverage

Against top critical conditions - Cancer, Stroke, Heart Attack & early stage conditions<br><br>Coverage for cancers common to women Critical illness coverage for cancers of the breast and uterus, among others

Child Coverage

Built-in coverage for child of insured against child critical conditions

Return of Premium

Premiums paid will be returned at age 75 less any benefit paid

Life Insurance Coverage

In case of untimely demise, your family will receive the plan benefit to help them take care of their needs

Flexible Payment Terms

Pay for either 10 or 20 years

Joint Cover

Cover 2 lives in 1 plan - can either be your spouse, parent or sibling

Mental Health Counseling

Consultation services offered for your self-care

What You Need to Know

How is critical illness plan different from HMO?

HMOs or Health Maintenance Organizations offer access to doctors within their network, as well as comprehensive and customizable healthcare insurance. The plans are usually limited to a certain amount and depending on the plan, may not be enough to cover treatments for critical illnesses.

Meanwhile, critical illness plans, like Health Start, provide an extra cover of protection for serious illnesses, and can help you in fulfilling other needs since it provides a lump sum amount upon diagnosis of a covered condition or illness. For instance, if you become unable to work because of a critical condition, the critical illness plan payout can be used to not only pay for your treatment but also, fund your recurring bills such as utilities, groceries, and other living expenses.

So if you already have an HMO, having a critical illness plan will complement your health protection. It ensures your lifestyle remains normal especially since a critical illness might render you unable to work.

What is the difference between Health Start & Health Start Family?

Health Start insures one (1) individual whereas Health Start Family can insure two (2) individuals in a single plan with both sharing the same amount of coverage on a first-to-claim basis. With Health Start Family, one can choose a co-insured in the form of their spouse, their parent, their adult child (above 18 years old) or a sibling. Nonetheless, the list of benefits remains to be the same for both plan types.

What does first-to-claim mean in Health Start Family?

First-to-claim means that either of the major critical condition and life insurance benefit will be paid out upon the first occurrence of the covered incident between any of the two (2) co-insureds. For instance, if a married couple avails Health Start Family and the husband suffers from a stroke covered according to plan, then AXA will pay out the full benefit and the plan will terminate.

What types of Cancer are covered in this plan?

For this plan, cancer is defined as the first unequivocal diagnosis of any malignant tumor characterized by the uncontrolled growth of malignant cells and invasion of tissue, and positively diagnosed with histological confirmation by a specialist and/or by AXA’s medical director or authorized medical consultant.

This also includes benefit for:

Leukemia, malignant lymphoma, Hodgkin’s Disease, malignant bone marrow disorders, metastatic skin cancer, and breast carcinoma in situ with subsequent radical mastectomy and radiotherapy

For the full definitions, exclusions, and coverage, please feel free to consult with one of our AXA Financial Advisors.

How many and what minor illnesses are covered in this plan?

There are nine (9) minor critical conditions that are covered in this plan:

(1) Carcinoma in situ
(2) Early stage cancer of prostate
(3) Early stage of urinary/bladder cancer
(4) Early stage of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
(5) Insertion of pacemaker or defibrillator
(6) Angioplasty and other invasive treatments for coronary artery disease
(7) Aortic aneurysm
(8) Keyhole coronary bypass surgery
(9) Cerebral shunt insertion

For the full definitions, exclusions, and coverage, please feel free to consult with one of our AXA Financial Advisors.

What is the built-in child coverage?

The built-in child coverage is a flat, one-time benefit of Php200,000 available for any child of the primary insured or the co-insured who gets diagnosed with a covered child condition, provided, that the child is under eighteen (18) years old at the time of first diagnosis.

Covered Child Conditions:
(1) Dengue hemorrhagic fever (Grades III and IV)
(2) Hemophilia A and/or Hemophilia B
(3) Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
(4) Kawasaki Disease with heart complication
(5) Osteogenesis imperfecta
(6) Rheumatic fever with valvular impairment
(7) Still’s Disease
(8) Wilson’s Disease

What is the Return of Premium benefit?

This is the cash benefit equivalent to all standard premiums paid, provided on the 75th birthday of the primary insured or the co-insured, whichever comes first. Please note that this benefit will be reduced if any prior benefit (ie. Minor Critical Condition Benefit) has been claimed.

Are there any exclusions that I need to know?

There are several exclusions from the coverage that you should take note of. AXA will not be paying the minor/major critical condition or the child cover benefits under any of the following:

1. the Primary Insured or the Co-Insured, or the child of the Primary Insured or Co-Insured is suffering from any Critical Condition within sixty (60) days following the Policy Effective Date or last reinstatement date of this Policy, whichever is later; or
2. for illnesses relating to congenital abnormalities; or
3. any act of war, declared or not, or while military, naval or air service for any country at war, declared or not, or any acts of terrorism; or
4. nuclear, biological, or chemical (NBC) contamination; or
5. any self-inflicted injury or suicide or any attempt thereat, whether sane or insane; or
6. any unprescribed drug or alcohol abuse.

In case of Child Critical Condition Benefits, illnesses relating to congenital abnormalities are payable.

On manifestation of any Major or Minor Critical Condition within sixty (60) days after the Policy Effective Date or last reinstatement date, all premiums paid will be returned to You without any interest and this Policy will be terminated.

Furthermore, Pre-Existing Conditions as defined is permanently excluded.

"Pre-existing condition" means a condition
(a) for which the Insured received medical advice, consultation or treatment, or
(b) whose signs or symptoms are evident, or should have been evident to the Insured, even if the Insured did not seek medical advice, consultation or treatment for it prior to the Effective Date or the date of last reinstatement, if any.
"Condition" means any type of illness, specific injury, disease, or infirmity including all underlying or related conditions and any manifestation thereof, whether in one (1) or more than one body system.

For how long will I be covered?

Your coverage will be until Age 100 provided that you pay your premiums on time. Also do note that you must NOT have encountered any covered minor or major condition within sixty (60) days following the policy effective date, otherwise, this plan’s benefit won’t be payable. On the other hand, in case of your untimely demise following your policy effective date, 100% of your life insurance benefit less any benefits paid, will be given to your beneficiary.

Can I increase/decrease my coverage?

Yes, but you can only *increase your coverage within your first policy year.

Requirements: Policy change request form, valid id, health statement form & other medical documents, as needed

*subject for underwriting review

You can also decrease your coverage if your policy is inforce.

Requirements: Policy change request form, valid id, consent of irrevocable beneficiary or bank clearance, if applicable

How can I buy this plan?

To buy this plan, contact one of our AXA Financial Advisors so they can schedule a visit with you.

I have more questions not listed here, can I talk to your Financial Advisor?

Sure! Click here to schedule your preferred time for our financial advisor to call you.


How can I claim?
How soon can I claim against a critical condition?

There is a waiting period of sixty (60) days following your policy effective date or your last policy reinstatement date, whichever is later, before being eligible to make a claim for any critical condition.

Can I have multiple claims for a minor critical condition?

Yes, but you can only claim up to four (4) times while your policy is inforce. Minor critical condition benefit can be claimed once per insured, except for carcinoma-in-situ (CIS) for different organs. Please note that each claim should be of a different condition per life. The remaining sum insured will cover you against major critical illness or death for the rest of the policy’s life.

What should I do if I have a claim?

There are only few steps to make a claim:

Step 1: Download the applicable forms at https://www.axa.com.ph/self-service. The forms should be signed by the rightful persons.

Step 2: Gather the minimum documents required as listed in the form.

Step 3: Submit all documents to your nearest AXA branch or to your Financial Advisor

Step 4: AXA will process your claim only if complete documents are received. You will be advised in writing for the claim decision.

Step 5: Once approved, you will receive your claim proceeds via preferred pay out method.

What if I don’t have any critical conditions claims at all, what will my benefit be?

In case you don’t have any critical illness claims, your premiums will be returned at age 75. This will be deducted from your policy’s coverage, but your policy will remain intact with your remaining cover. Additionally, you can be assured that you have life insurance coverage that can protect your family in case of your untimely demise.