Top 3 Peso and Top 3 US Dollar Denominated Funds

Prices as of November 29, 2023 and Performance as of October 2023 Fund Fact Sheet

We offer various options to best suit your risk appetite and preferred currency. Choose among our top performing funds and maximize your investment’s growth potential.

Opportunity Fund
Offer Price 22.6434
Bid Price 21.5651
Average Annualized Performance 1 Year Intervals 7.53%
3 Year Intervals9.16%
5 Year Intervals8.57%
Historical Prices Fund Highlight Sheet Fund Fact Sheet as of October 2023
Chinese Tycoon Fund
Offer Price 14.6179
Bid Price 13.9218
Average Annualized Performance 1 Year Intervals 7.81%
3 Year Intervals6.41%
5 Year Intervals6.00%
Historical Prices Fund Highlight Sheet Fund Fact Sheet as of October 2023
Philippine Wealth Bond Fund
Offer Price 18.5803
Bid Price 17.6955
Average Annualized Performance 1 Year Intervals 2.69%
3 Year Intervals1.98%
5 Year Intervals2.47%
Historical Prices Fund Highlight Sheet Fund Fact Sheet as of October 2023
Global Advantage Fund
Offer Price 3.2633
Bid Price 3.1079
Average Annualized Performance 1 Year Intervals 12.95%
3 Year Intervals14.48%
5 Year Intervals12.83%
Historical Prices Fund Highlight Sheet Fund Fact Sheet as of October 2023
Premium Bond Fund
Offer Price 2.3955
Bid Price 2.2814
Average Annualized Performance 1 Year Intervals 4.52%
3 Year Intervals4.52%
5 Year Intervals5.32%
Historical Prices Fund Highlight Sheet Fund Fact Sheet as of October 2023
Global Edge Equity Fund - USD
Offer Price 1.2300
Bid Price 4.5600
Average Annualized Performance 1 Year Intervals 1.11%
3 Year Intervals2.22%
5 Year Intervals3.33%
Historical Prices Fund Highlight Sheet Fund Fact Sheet as of October 2023
NameCurrencyOffer PriceBid PriceAverage Annualized PerformanceHistorical PricesFund Highlight SheetFund Fact Sheet
1 Year Intervals3 Year Intervals5 Year Intervals
Opportunity FundPHP22.643421.56517.53%9.16%8.57% as of October 2023
Chinese Tycoon FundPHP14.617913.92187.81%6.41%6.00% as of October 2023
Philippine Wealth Bond FundPHP18.580317.69552.69%1.98%2.47% as of October 2023
Global Advantage FundUSD3.26333.107912.95%14.48%12.83% as of October 2023
Premium Bond FundUSD2.39552.28144.52%4.52%5.32% as of October 2023
Global Edge Equity Fund - USDUSD1.23004.56001.11%2.22%3.33% as of October 2023

Global Dynamic Allocation Funds

Prices as of November 29, 2023 and Performance as of October 2023 Fund Fact Sheet

Global Dynamic Allocation Fund - Stable
Offer Price 0.9050
Bid Price 0.8619
Average Annualized Performance 1 Year Intervals 5.04%
3 Year IntervalsN/A **
5 Year IntervalsN/A **
Historical Prices Fund Highlight Sheet Fund Fact Sheet as of October 2023
Global Dynamic Allocation Fund - Multi-Asset
Offer Price 1.0350
Bid Price 0.9857
Average Annualized Performance 1 Year Intervals 4.59%
3 Year IntervalsN/A **
5 Year IntervalsN/A **
Historical Prices Fund Highlight Sheet Fund Fact Sheet as of October 2023
Global Dynamic Allocation Fund - Growth
Offer Price 1.0877
Bid Price 1.0359
Average Annualized Performance 1 Year Intervals 2.07%
3 Year IntervalsN/A **
5 Year IntervalsN/A **
Historical Prices Fund Highlight Sheet Fund Fact Sheet as of October 2023
NameCurrencyOffer PriceBid PriceAverage Annualized PerformanceHistorical PricesFund Highlight SheetFund Fact Sheet
1 Year Intervals3 Year Intervals5 Year Intervals
Global Dynamic Allocation Fund - StableUSD0.90500.86195.04%N/A **N/A ** as of October 2023
Global Dynamic Allocation Fund - Multi-AssetUSD1.03500.98574.59%N/A **N/A ** as of October 2023
Global Dynamic Allocation Fund - GrowthUSD1.08771.03592.07%N/A **N/A ** as of October 2023

Peso-Denominated Dollar Funds

Prices as of November 29, 2023 and Performance as of October 2023 Fund Fact Sheet

Global Advantage Fund - Peso
Offer Price 10.6134
Bid Price 10.1080
Average Annualized Performance 1 Year Intervals N/A ***
3 Year IntervalsN/A ***
5 Year IntervalsN/A ***
Historical Prices Fund Highlight Sheet Fund Fact Sheet as of October 2023
Global Edge Equity Fund - Peso
Offer Price 3.2100
Bid Price 6.5400
Average Annualized Performance 1 Year Intervals 5.55%
3 Year Intervals6.66%
5 Year Intervals7.77%
Historical Prices Fund Highlight Sheet Fund Fact Sheet as of October 2023
Global Dynamic Allocation Fund – Stable Peso
Offer Price 9.7112
Bid Price 9.2487
Average Annualized Performance 1 Year Intervals N/A ***
3 Year IntervalsN/A ***
5 Year IntervalsN/A ***
Historical Prices Fund Highlight Sheet Fund Fact Sheet as of October 2023
Global Dynamic Allocation Fund – Multi-Asset Peso
Offer Price 10.6440
Bid Price 10.1371
Average Annualized Performance 1 Year Intervals N/A ***
3 Year IntervalsN/A ***
5 Year IntervalsN/A ***
Historical Prices Fund Highlight Sheet Fund Fact Sheet as of October 2023
Global Dynamic Allocation Fund – Growth Peso
Offer Price 10.8771
Bid Price 10.3591
Average Annualized Performance 1 Year Intervals N/A ***
3 Year IntervalsN/A ***
5 Year IntervalsN/A ***
Historical Prices Fund Highlight Sheet Fund Fact Sheet as of October 2023
NameCurrencyOffer PriceBid PriceAverage Annualized PerformanceHistorical PricesFund Highlight SheetFund Fact Sheet
1 Year Intervals3 Year Intervals5 Year Intervals
Global Advantage Fund - PesoPHP10.613410.1080N/A ***N/A ***N/A *** as of October 2023
Global Edge Equity Fund - PesoPHP3.21006.54005.55%6.66%7.77% as of October 2023
Global Dynamic Allocation Fund – Stable PesoPHP9.71129.2487N/A ***N/A ***N/A *** as of October 2023
Global Dynamic Allocation Fund – Multi-Asset PesoPHP10.644010.1371N/A ***N/A ***N/A *** as of October 2023
Global Dynamic Allocation Fund – Growth PesoPHP10.877110.3591N/A ***N/A ***N/A *** as of October 2023

Income Paying Funds

Prices as of November 29, 2023 and Performance as of October 2023 Fund Fact Sheet

Global Assets Income Paying Fund
Offer Price 1.2300
Bid Price 1.2300
Average Annualized Performance 1 Year Intervals N/A ***
3 Year IntervalsN/A ***
5 Year IntervalsN/A ***
Historical Prices Fund Highlight Sheet Fund Fact Sheet as of October 2023
Global Assets Income Paying Fund Peso
Offer Price 12.3400
Bid Price 12.3400
Average Annualized Performance 1 Year Intervals N/A ***
3 Year IntervalsN/A ***
5 Year IntervalsN/A ***
Historical Prices Fund Highlight Sheet Fund Fact Sheet as of October 2023
Global REIT and Property Income Fund
Offer Price 7.1234
Bid Price 6.1234
Average Annualized Performance 1 Year Intervals 5.25%
3 Year Intervals6.25%
5 Year Intervals7.25%
Historical Prices Fund Highlight Sheet Fund Fact Sheet as of October 2023
Global REIT and Property Income Fund Peso
Offer Price 8.1234
Bid Price 9.1234
Average Annualized Performance 1 Year Intervals 8.25%
3 Year Intervals4.25%
5 Year Intervals9.25%
Historical Prices Fund Highlight Sheet Fund Fact Sheet as of October 2023
NameCurrencyOffer PriceBid PriceAverage Annualized PerformanceHistorical PricesFund Highlight SheetFund Fact Sheet
1 Year Intervals3 Year Intervals5 Year Intervals
Global Assets Income Paying FundUSD1.23001.2300N/A ***N/A ***N/A *** as of October 2023
Global Assets Income Paying Fund PesoPHP12.340012.3400N/A ***N/A ***N/A *** as of October 2023
Global REIT and Property Income FundUSD7.12346.12345.25%6.25%7.25% as of October 2023
Global REIT and Property Income Fund PesoPHP8.12349.12348.25%4.25%9.25% as of October 2023

All Funds

Prices as of November 29, 2023 and Performance as of October 2023 Fund Fact Sheet


Average Annualized Performance for 1 Year, 3 Year and 5 Year intervals shown in the tables above represent the indicated Fund’s Average Annualized Performance using ANY 1 Year Interval, 3 Year Interval and 5 Year Interval, respectively since inception of the funds.

For MyLifeChoice, Asset Master, 3G-Xceed policies, Retire Smart and Phoenix Funds, the Bid Price is the same as the Offer Price. The 5% bid-offer spread is not applicable.

* Currently this fund has not reached a tenure of 5 years
** Currently this fund has not reached a tenure of 3 and 5 years
*** Currently this fund has not reached a tenure of 1, 3 and 5 years

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